Ten Rules to Live By...

1. Pay Attention: This is an important law because when we don't pay attention accidents do happen. Fender benders are a perfect example. Is your bank account ever overdrawn or you don't have enough money on your card when you go to pay for something? Number one reason why is because you weren't paying attention to your spending.

With todays' auto bill payments and the convenience of using your debit card to pay for everything, it's very easy to forget what you have and what you've spent. Pay attention and you won't.

2. Keep your living and work space clean and tidy: When you are surrounded by clutter and chaos you can not function to your best ability. Do yourself (and everyone around you) a favor and keep your surroundings clean and tidy. Life is so much sweeter when it is.

Nothing is more stressful when you're running late because you are looking for something that you need and you can't find it in all the clutter that is around you.

When I sit down to do some work and I have a clear and organized desk to work at I get more accomplished and it feels good. I love it and so will you.

3. Eat healthy: You are what you eat. Stay away from processed food. It's poison! Why would you want to poison yourself? A great way to start your day is with a Green Drink. I have two favorite recipes. The first one is on the thicker side and you can make two days worth at a time, as well as freezing some if needed (works great for road trips) Skinnystoves' Green Drink. The second one is not as thick but you have to drink it within a few hours Kris Carrs' Make Juice not War Green Drink. Both delicious and so good for you. I know when I start my day with either one of these drinks I have no problem sticking to eating healthy for the rest of the day.

Also there are a a couple days a month I do crave some not so healthy foods and I might give in, but I don't hate myself for it because I know I'm making good food choices all the other days.

4. Exercise: Get up and move. Even if it's for ten minutes a day. That's better than not doing anything at all. Take a walk, your favorite song comes on why don't you get up and dance (one of my favorite things to do), take the stairs.

There are some great workout DVDs. I like Tony Hortons 10 Minute Workout and Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Both are short workout with big results. No more you don't have the time excuses.

5. Get out and enjoy life: You don't know what you are missing. With all this wonderful world has to offer. Why do so many people prefer to stay inside watching TV, playing video games or spend all there free time on the Internet (gasp)?

Expand your horizons and attend a play, visit a museum or go to the zoo. Find your closest amusement park and ride the roller coasters. Walk to your local park and swing (did this just the other day, forgot how much fun it was), slide down the slide. Who says grown-ups can't play. Oh so many choices...

6. Pamper yourself often: You deserve it. This doesn't mean you have to spend money on massages, manicures and pedicures, or a deep condition (which is pretty awesome I might add) every week. You can do all those things at home for a lot less. I do however suggest picking one of those things to treat yourself to once a month (if money is tight, then every other month) to be performed by a professional. It's a nice treat you can give yourself.

During the week I pick one thing a day to pamper myself. It can be as simple as giving your nails a fresh coat of nail polish, or rubbing your tired, dry feet with your favorite lotion. Tonight I will be giving myself a facial while soaking in a warm bubble bath by candle light.

7. Chin up and sit-up straight: Good posture looks good on you...

8. Be happy: Smile and laugh often. That also looks good on you...

9. Be kind to yourself and to others. It feels good to be be kind to others. Do something nice for someone without any expectations in return and you'll be a better person. Now do that for yourself. Pretty cool, right? Here's a great list "20 Ways to Give Without Expectations" to help get you started.

10. LOVE: Love is power. The power to have all the positive and good things in life is LOVE!

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